Regine Frener (Organization)
From May 2019, Regine Frener works as a research assistant at the Department of Media Psychology at the University of Hohenheim (Germany). She studied psychology with a minor in business and economics at the University of Mannheim and completed an exchange semester at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Free University Amsterdam), where she chose behavioural economics as her main area of interest. In her master thesis, she investigated the influence of stereotype threat on women’s route learning competence and their performance in a spatial navigation task and used eye tracking measures and a virtual reality for her experiment. During her studies at the University of Mannheim, she worked as a student assistant at the Chair of Research Methods and Psychological Assessment. Regine Frener teaches in the bachelor of communication science and gives an introduction lecture on research methods as well as tutorials of the profile module media psychology. She further hosts a seminar on behavior change for master students. In her dissertation, she investigates privacy and self-disclosure with a gender perspective. Besides, she studies the need for privacy on- and offline.
Schäwel, J., Frener, R. & Trepte, S. (2021). Political microtargeting and online privacy – A theoretical approach to understanding users’ privacy behaviors. Media and Communication, 9(4), 158-169. https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v9i4.4085