Kate Dommett
Dr Kate Dommett is Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield. Her research interests focus on digital campaigning, political parties, data use and public perceptions. Dr Dommett has published extensively on digital campaigning, the implications of digital technology for institutions, and the use of data in elections. In earlier work, she focused particularly on political parties, and her book, The Reimagined Party was published in 2020.
Dr Dommett was recently awarded the 2020 Richard Rose Prize by the Political Studies Association for an early-career scholar who has made a distinctive contribution to British politics. This award recognised her work as Special Advisor to the House of Lords Committee on Democracy and Digital Technology and her extensive engagement in public policy debates. More details about her research and publications can be found at www.katedommett.com.
Twitter: @KateDommett
Email: k.dommett@sheffield.ac.uk
Dommett, K. and Bakir, M. E. (2020) ‘A Transparent Digital Election Campaign? The Insights and Significance of Political Advertising Archives for Debates on Electoral Regulation’, Parliamentary Affairs, 73 (Supplement 1):208-224.
Dommett, K. (2020) ‘Introduction: Regulation and Oversight of Digital Campaigning – Problems and Solutions’, Political Quarterly, 91(4): 705-712.
Margetts, H and Dommett, K. (2020) ‘Four Recommendations to Improve Digital Electoral Oversight in the UK’, Political Quarterly, 91(4): 745-750.
Dommett, K., Temple, L. and Seyd, P. (2020) ‘Dynamics of Intra-Party Organisation in the Digital Age: A Grassroots Analysis of Digital Adoption’, Parliamentary Affairs, https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsaa007.
Dommett, K., Kefford, G., and Power, S. (2020) ‘The digital ecosystem: The new politics of party organization in parliamentary democracies’, Party Politics, online first.
Dommett, K. (2020) ‘Regulating Digital Campaigning: The Need For Precision In Calls For Transparency’, Policy and Internet, 12(4): 432-449.
Dommett, K. (2019) ‘Data-Driven Political Campaigning in Practice: Understanding and Regulating Diverse Data-Driven Campaigns’, Internet Politics Review 8(4): 1-4.
Dommett, K. (2019) ‘The Rise of Online Political Advertising’, Political Insight, 10(4).
Dommett, K. and Power, S. (2019) ‘The Political Economy of Facebook Advertising: Election Spending, Regulation and Targeting Online’, Political Quarterly, 90(2):257-265. Recognised as one of the most downloaded papers of 2018-19.